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  • Writer's pictureCindy

Feelings and Food

Feelings and Eating

During quarantine, several beautiful young ladies I know posted on social media platforms to “please do not say you’re going to get fat during the quarantine- this is a real issue that we struggle with regardless of whether we are overweight or not!” Those where not the exact words but the gist of it. Women and men that struggle with eating disorders are sensitive to these types of statements. I HAD NO IDEA! A lot of us joke about gaining weight out of the context of it happening. There were quite a few memes during quarantine that showed how we looked at the beginning (fit, in shape) of quarantine and how we were going to look after (larger, out of shape).

Funny to a lot of us, not funny to a lot of us.

As these young ladies opened my eyes, I started thinking about feelings around eating. A wise yoga teacher leading a yoga class and detox curriculum once said, “When you eat, bless your food, regardless of what you are eating!” As a Christian woman, I often do this-feeling grateful and blessed for the food. However, my yoga teacher's point, as she explained, is that some of us are very specific about the quality of our food and where it comes from (me). When we are in a situation where the food we are eating is not what we would choose; we can feel bad, nervous, fearful for eating this food. Also, feelings of guilt and shame can play a role in eating some foods or overeating.

Our thoughts can have an impact on how our body functions- if you have bad feelings about your food or yourself while eating, it may not digest the best.

Taking into account all that I just mentioned above, here are a few easy tips to follow before, during, and after eating.

1. Eat the best, highest quality food you can afford.

2. Bless your food in your way.


“I am grateful for this food; it will digest well, and I will absorb all the necessary nutrients.”

“I have worked hard to afford this food; I am grateful for my job. I am grateful for this food.”

“My body will LOVE all of this food!”

“I am so happy to eat this cookie/cookies!”

“I love my body, and I am grateful to be able to eat this food!”

3. If possible, eat while looking at something beautiful, not best to look at your phone, computer, or TV (I do this all the time, so I understand). Basically, you want to be present while eating.

4. Chew slowly and taste your food

5. Talk a walk or move around after eating-Even if it’s around your home.

Most of all have compassion for yourself!

Photos: My photos taken at Valley House Gallery in Dallas Texas

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