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  • Writer's pictureCindy

Simple food and wellness choices for health-Part One

Updated: Aug 9, 2020

Health & wellness is growing trend in the U.S. Not a surprise as our population is over 60% overweight and the number of diabetes cases are not decreasing at all. With so many health & wellness trends to chose from, it can be overwhelming where to start and what to adopt. What I have found working with individuals is definitely start with one healthy routine and see how it works. As this is only Part One of a series of articles on this subject-you will have a few to chose from. Main thing is, start with one !

Food Combinations

I could write about positives and negatives of certain food combinations for weeks, but per the title of this article, I will keep

it simple!

Eat fruit alone. Prosciutto wrapped melon-no way! Melons (the worst to eat with other foods) digest so fast, that when they are eaten with other foods they do not digest well and turn into some pretty toxic stuff in the stomach. Here you go, meat and fish can take up to two days to digest-whereas fruits can take a day or less. Melons can digest in hours. Combined with hard to digest foods-fruits just sit there, in your stomach, doing nothing. So next time your brunch meal comes with fruit-just pass. Eating fruits two hours before or after a meal is best. Your digestion process will thank you.

Eat Slimy Foods

Might sound yucky but you probably already have some of these soluble fiber wonders.

  • Oats

  • Chia

  • Flax Seeds

  • Beans

  • Oranges

  • Cucumbers

  • Celery

Soluble fiber has a gelatinous texture that, when ingested, attaches itself to waste/toxins and sends them right down the toilet. The lungs and inner skin of the gut love soluble fiber!


Ok this is an easy one for most.

If you can keep it to around one cup a day, coffee has been getting many thumbs up for its positive effects on brain health, depression, muscle health, liver cancer, to name a few.

But not just any coffee. If possible, try to find a light roast, lower acid version. IF you can grind your own beans even better. Sounds like a lot? Get the best kind of coffee you can afford-try not skimp on foods, especially foods that have an addictive quality like coffee, tea, and sugar.

Healthy additions to coffee:


Full fat organic low pasteurized milk (cuts the acid)

Low glycemic coconut sugar (I like this one)

Three easy to adopt food choices to incorporate into your diet. Check back soon for more health & wellness goodness. xo!

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