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  • Writer's pictureCindy

What it's like to take a social media break…

Updated: Mar 10, 2022

Recently I decided to pick one day out of the week to go sans social media. My chosen day is Sunday. Now that I am three weeks in, I must describe this experience (so far!) to you.

The night before:

In my third week, some realizations came to light. As I was getting ready for bed the night before, a feeling of relief and freedom came over me. It was almost like I was getting ready to go on vacation. Why do I feel this way? (I'll answer this later)

I did not quite understand how easy and addictive it was to just pick up my phone and "check-in"-aka scrolling for 1 minute to 10 or more. This action had become a standard part of my day. Even though I only participate on Facebook and my fave Instagram, it still had a hold on me! There are times when I just want to relax on the couch for a few minutes and see what's up on Insta. The magical quotes, the yummy recipes and cake decorating, my friends and family's photos, and the most addictive part-the animal reels!

The animal videos are the reason I cannot Tik Tok. Or, as I like to call it, "Crack-Tok"-The one and only time I registered for Tik Tok, I was instantly addicted to watching talking dog videos. I was only a Tik Toker for one week after I found myself losing 15 minutes of my day, in one sitting, to talking dogs. I had to delete the app.

The day of:

Peaceful, but not without having to use willpower. There were moments in the day when I went to pick up the phone for a social media check-in- then I put it back down. I missed it for sure. I was not perfect this third time around. I did go on Pinterest. I asked myself "Is Pinterest social media?" I did not think so until the platform started advertising, selling, and pushing products. In the beginning, it was a creative space to save recipes, design mood and vision boards, etc. Now, it is like all the other addictive social media.

I use Pinterest often to look at recipes which is why I was on it this day. I then found myself scrolling through all the lovely photos for a several minutes........yes, I was on social media. I don't believe in giving myself a hard time when I don't always succeed at these challenges. It's all part of the process.

The day seemed long and fulfilling, and I was refreshed by the evening. Being without social media really brings good vibes.

Take Aways....

Answering the question "Why do I feel relaxed like I am going on vacation the night before my social media hiatus?" Obviously, my mind views being on social media as work or as a chore of some sort. That's my best guess at the why, for me.

Studies show extended amounts of screen time can leave humans drained and weary-and that does not even factor in the content you are viewing and how it makes you feel. So I think most of us would benefit from social media downtime.

Right now, I believe I will practice this forever and hope to increase from one day to more. If you are spending endless amounts of time on social media that lead to mindless fulfillment, I encourage you to try a "Social Media Break" as well. If it is truly challenging, start with at least two hours on one day.

I don't believe all social media is terrible, but it is not so good when it takes time away from being present at a family gathering, dinner with friends, time with your children, etc.

Also, if time on social media makes you unhappy, it's not worth your time.

Think about it this way-Your allowing your device and what you are viewing to steal your energy, time and good vibes.

Are your devices and social media more important than family, friends, pets, yourself, or nature?

A few questions to ponder:

  1. Does scrolling bring me comfort?

  2. What is the value of my time spent on social media? Do I learn things?

  3. What do I gain during this time?

  4. Does this time spent scrolling make me happy?

  5. Does social media have a hold on me? Can I stop for a day or more?

  6. Does social media provide a means of escape? If so, what am I escaping from?

  7. What can I do with the time gained back from staying off my devices for a day or more? (the possibilities could be endless!)

Everyone's journey with addictive social media is different. I know you can find peace without it and reconnect with real life.

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